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Singing in a limo 
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11/11/04 This is me singing/dancing in a limo recently for my ex-friend, Christina's, birthday.
93 Photos

for the longest time i was trying to remember where i saw you....then i saw a pic of ure bf and i realized that we met through, thats where i know you two from...late night dinner with shawn..

12/8/2004 6:52:56 AM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos

Oh yea! Hey, how are you? How's it going? We gotta have dinner sometime again,lol.

12/8/2004 4:36:19 PM

93 Photos

true! hope the finals week is treating you two right!

12/8/2004 4:51:19 PM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos

Yeah,I'm still hoping too,lol!Next semester is a fresh, new start. Good Luck to you too!

12/8/2004 5:59:10 PM

93 Photos

if you were testing me...i win, cause i know youre name as

12/8/2004 6:11:34 PM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos

Nobody was testing least you remember my name too!

12/8/2004 6:21:31 PM

93 Photos

i know...usually..i'm the first one to forget a name...

12/8/2004 7:36:23 PM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos

I'm sure it happens to all of us!

12/8/2004 7:46:55 PM

93 Photos

yes it does....did you notice that we have been having the longest friggin convo on this thing? its a good thing...i guess!

12/8/2004 9:02:39 PM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos

Ha ha,tru. We need to meet up again sometime.Happy Holidays,have a wonderful Christmas and New Year's!

12/8/2004 11:14:20 PM

93 Photos

Yep.....definitely......have a happy holiday season..and make sweet music with your bf under the misletoe.....
take care

12/9/2004 12:21:35 AM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos

Yeah,lol,like that'll ever happen...

12/10/2004 12:16:56 AM

93 Photos

why not? it is the season of giving....and recieving....put two and two together!

12/10/2004 12:50:10 AM

Hot Dancer
66 Photos

Happy Holidays!Love, Joanna

12/25/2004 7:22:36 PM

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